Investment Management

The driver to building wealth.

We believe that investments are the key driver to building wealth successfully to help prepare for retirement. Investment management is equally as important in retirement phase to continue to maintain your lifestyle. We structure our investment portfolios based on our client’s goals and attitudes to risk and we understand that as our clients age their attitudes to risk change.

Whether it be managed funds, direct shares or exchange traded funds (ETF’s) we can support you in choosing the right investments to help you achieve your goals.

At GV Private Wealth we believe in the time-horizons approach to investing. Once your lifestyle and investment goals are defined, then we base our investment selection on the amount of time you have until the goal is funded.

This means as the funding date of your goal approaches i.e. retirement, we discuss our opportunities to determine if your current investment strategy is still appropriate based on your attitude to risk and goals.

Depending on your goals it may be mutually agreeable that your investments be maintained or alternatively shifted to a more conservative approach. We structure our investment advice to help reduce the risk of market-related losses derailing your strategy and goals.